Tuesday, February 16, 2010


In the past few weeks I have noticed a considerable usage of the word 'actually' from Miri. Today I think I heard the word about 100 times in an hour ~ so I guess it is safe to say this might actually be a new favorite word.

"Actually Mommy I wanted this one..."
"Actually this is how it goes....."
"I think this is my new dress, actually this one is...."

You get the point. Actually, the point is I want to bang my head on a brick wall......

Right now we are on birthday countdown (I swear this is bigger than Christmas, actually it IS bigger than Christmas....)

Every morning for the past few days I hear: "is it my birthday yet". She is very excited about her party! I am very happy that I still haven't told her Sleeping Beauty (her most favorite princess ever b/c she wears pink) will be at her party, I can not imagine the excitement/pestering that would ensue if she knew! Actually, I can!

As excited as I am about her upcoming birthday I am in just a bit of denial that my baby is turning 4! Where has the time gone, it literally still feels like we just brought her home from the hospital. Now I will be the first to admit that I don't miss waking up every few hours for feedings and I don't miss changing dirty diapers or having tons of baby toys everywhere, I am a little sad that she isn't a "baby" anymore. She is becoming more and more independent each day, and I love the little girl she is becoming, actually!

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