Monday, March 30, 2009

Snow Day!

So after much debating and changing of the forecast we actually got to see some snow on Saturday. Nearly 7 inches worth!!! When Miri and I got up about 8:30 it was still raining no snow in site and truthfully I was not very happy with it. I was really hoping to wake up to a winter wonderland that morning. But like they always say if you don't like the weather here in Oklahoma give it a minute or two and it will change.

This was the scene by about 9:30 Saturday morning....

And this was a couple of hours later....

Late spring snow is generally some of the best snow we get around here not much ice or sleet in it making it perfect for snow balls and building snowmen. After it finally quit thundering (yes thundering!) we made our way out for some winter fun. This was also the first deep fluffy snow Miriam has had the change to experience and even though she was a little sad it didn't make good snow angels she had a blast!

Miriam catching snowflakes on her tongue

Snowball fight time!

Building a snowman. She named him frosty and was very disapointed the next morning when he started to melt.

Fun with Mommy and Daddy in the snow

By the same time Sunday afternoon nearly all of the snow had melted. I guess winter got its last hoorah in now time for spring!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Scratch That Last Post

We were doing so so good with the potty - until about an hour ago when M decided to poop the mother of all poops in her panties. This is like one step forward and two steps back - so very very frustrating, I can't even put it into words. And to make matters worse she laughed about it then flat out told Ryan that no she didn't poop in her pants - not once or twice but three different times. So we made her practice pottying, after she "enjoyed" a few minutes to think about it alone (a/k/a timeout) then we took away her newly acquired "my little pony baby nursery" (which was given as a reward for doing so well on the potty). Harsh? Yes very and believe me "mommy guilt" is setting in in full force, but come on she is 3! She needs to be potty trained and frankly I am quite sick of cleaning s&%* off her bottom. She is currently napping - maybe the accident happened because she was tired? I don't know. If it quits thundering we will go play in the snow after her nap. I will give her another pep talk and put her back in panties and hope for no more accidents.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

She DID IT!!!!

It seems that FINALLY a certain little girl has made up her mind that it is time to use the potty. It has been a very long and frustrating year with lots of stops and starts along the way - but for the past two weeks Miri has been awesome about staying dry and better yet telling us when she has to go pee pee. However, poop has not been so easy. In fact I was starting to really dread training on the poop end. I figured if it took an off and on year of pee pee training that poop was going to take a while as well. For the past couple of weeks I have been waiting each day for her poop to then let her wear panties - but every now and then she would have the rare twice a day poop and I would be stuck cutting panties off of her in an attempt not to spread poop down her legs or onto what ever surface she was being changed on. I am sure you can imagine the frustration and grossness of all of this. So tonight we were getting some groceries at Wal-Mart and Miri starts crying about her tummy hurting. She hasn't pooped in two days so I told her that maybe going potty will make it feel better. We rush to the potty (I practically mowed down a little old man in my haste) as soon as I got her seated she started trying to poop and she did it - not once but twice then pee peed. I think the whole front of the store heard me cheering - I was really proud of her. It was like something clicked in her head that it was the time to be potty trained. This was how she started walking too - one day (at around 19 months) she just got up and crossed the room and never looked back. I think I have a perfectionist on my hands.

After her big poop we let her pick out a new toy. She had already picked out one for pee pee so she ended up with two new My Little Pony Babies tonight. I ended up buying two new packages of panties for her and NO PULL-UPS!! I am hoping we will have a pull-up free weekend and if she continues on this poop trend maybe just maybe we will be done with diapers!!!!!! Whooo Hooo!!!! I am very excited at that prospect!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in awhile - I will post a longer update soon - PROMISE.

But first I wanted to share a Miriamism with you all. Today while eating a snack Miri looks up on the hutch in the kitchen and notices the wine rack (for the first time):

"Mommy whats that pop up there?"
"That's not pop, it is wine for Mommy and Daddy, it is grown up drinks."
"oh so you will be cranky?"

At that moment I really wanted to say - "No so we won't be cranky" but I was laughing so hard I didn't. I instead tried to explain it was like really sour grape juice and it was called wine....

Gotta love the mind of a 3 year old!