Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our Mastercard moment... from our Kansas City trip

3 Tickets for Backyardigans Live - $150.00
Souvenirs at show - $100.00
Two tanks of gas $100.00
Two nights hotel room $300.00 (thank you NASCAR!)

Seeing your child's face light up when she see's her absolute favorite characters live and in person - PRICELESS.

Our little get away weekend ended up being a bit more than I had anticipated - but to quote Ryan "Worth every F'N penny!"

Especially this "priceless" moment:

Backyardigans Live

"oh the things that gobblin has grabbed....." I can't get this song out of my head!!! Earlier this evening Miri got to see her "Uggers" live and on stage. She danced, she sang, (she threw a major hissy fit for Backyardigan toys on sale at the theater), she had the time of her life! Ryan and I sang (we didn't dance), gave into Miri's desire for souvenirs and we had a wonderful time - watching our miracle.

The live show was a bit different than the TV show, they added some songs and changed a couple of things around, but it was great and I will gladly do it again (hopefully not having to drive to Kansas City to do it though!) Our day in Kansas City has been fun (even before going to the show) and I think we will defiantly be back up here to do some exploring of this interesting town sans baby soon.

Unfortunately I have no pictures from the show, or really from this trip. Everything has been kinda spur of the moment and lugging around a camera has not been practical. Also the theater where the show was being held had no electronic devises allowed" printed on our tickets, we didn't want to risk having to go back to the car with the camera (although I don't think it would have mattered!) I really wish I had had the camera during the show, so you could see the utter joy and amazement on the face of my child. Tonight there was no world outside the backyard". The other reason I wished we had taken the camera was for the theater itself; an old restored movie house. The theater was three levels plus a basement level where bathrooms were located. It was built in 1926 in the Barouque revival style; recently restored to its formal grandeur and was frankly one of the coolest building I have ever been in.

Right now Miri is passed out in her bed in our suite, clutching her Austin doll dreaming of her "Uggers". Meanwhile I have songs stuck in my head and can't seem to reach the state of relaxation needed for some much needed sleep.

Today has been a great day!

Greetings from Kansas City

We are in countdown mode to Backyardigans Live. After a morning of shopping, Miri is taking a nap while Ryan is watching some football and snacking on leftover KC style BBQ from last nights dinner.

Our drive up here yesterday afternoon was pretty uneventful. Miri and I got to pet a horse that was tied up in front of a grocery store. He was pulling an Almish style buggie. Miri thought that was pretty cool, I felt like we had fallen through a time loop! The only problem with the drive up was that Miri refused to nap. She was pretty good, played with her sticker book mostly and listen to her "uggers" - she screamed whenever Ryan or I proclaimed it was time for some Mommy/Daddy music!

Last night we ate some local BBQ, that was Ryan's only request for this trip, and since he will be missing the game tonight - how could I say no! The food was good, but little miss no nap proclaimed she was done after about two bites of her dinner and then proceeded to scream until we boxed it all up and went back to our hotel. This is why we have some yummy BBQ for snacking on this afternoon!

We went to the Legends Shopping District (think Riverwalk Crossing only bigger, cooler and way more fun!) to look around. It is right next to the speedway, so we could here cars practicing for Sunday's race. There were tons of cool stores (lots of them were outlets) and lots of really cool fountains in the walking area. There was an interesting Dinosaur store (Build a Dino) but the line was out the door so we didn't get to go in. Ryan did take a grainy cell phone picture out in front of it - I will have to get him to post it in here soon!

Miri was ready for a nap in no time - so here we are, T-minus 2 hours and counting until the big show!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Funniest series of Youtube videos ever!

You will lose hours of productive time just watching these.

You will hate me later for this. :)


I weep for the future......

Last night Ryan and I decided to be a little spontaneous and go to the TU game. We hadn't been to a game in a few years and wanted to see the new stadium that we have watched slowing being built over the past year. Plus it was a bye week for OU so what better way to spend a Saturday night than by watching a football game. The game itself was fun - it was awesome to see that TU sold out a game and they are looking like a pretty good team this year. The crowd at a TU game is very different than an OU game - much more subdue even when their team is ahead 40 something to zip! So that was all good... now for the not so good....

The seats we paid for were actually taken by the time we got to them (only 3 gates open so lots of line waiting!) It was not worth making a stink about so we decided to go sit on the grassy bank on the south end of the stadium. This was a good place to sit for all of 15 minutes - when a group of loud kids came to sit in front of us and not SIT and chatting and giggled. I whispered to Ryan if he thought they were in high school or TU students or what "probably TU students..." was the response! WHAT!!! No way - they were soooo young and weren't we just in college ourselves (ok so 10 years ago isn't that much time!) Needless to say I started feeling a little old. Then I got attacked by a swarm of bugs - YUCK I really hate hate hate bugs. I looked longingly over at the seats on in the south end zone - the ones up against the short fence dividing them from the grassy hill we were on were empty. I can get over that fence no problem, or so I thought. So I got up and walked over there - hopped the fence (gracefully - not!) and claimed a seat. The seats were decent enough, and no bugs or noisy teens. Until I started to feel my two glasses of tea from dinner and the bottle of water I had consumed during the first half. OOPS - the closest set of stairs was about 38 seats to the east of me, with many people in those seats too. I could hop the fence again and slide down the hill, but on a full bladder I figured getting to the stairs would be the smarter way to go. I went up a row because it looked less populated and made my way over - who should I run into but the "kids" from the hill. Not a single one of them got up so I could get through - I stumbled through the throng, trying hard not to step on any toes or fall into any laps, not to mention trying not to twist my own ankle or knee in the process! I called Ryan after I got down and finished my business to meet me at the gate - it was time to go!!!

So for my own sanity I have decided that those were middle school kids - because at least it is hoped that they will have several more years of learning some common decency before venturing out into the world - otherwise god help us all!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Political Quiz - Ryan's turn.

You are a

Social Moderate
(50% permissive)

and an...

Economic Moderate
(55% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Free Online Dating
Also : The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

Political Quiz - Sarah's turn.

Where do you fit in on the political spectrum.......

I am:

You are a

Social Moderate
(50% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(21% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also : The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

Politics at its Best!

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Miriam loves to talk - I am sure you all are very shocked at this fact, I am too. NOT! Her vocabulary is ever expanding and she knows the right time to use her new words and the right emphasis to put on them. And for those that know me very well I am not just talking about the four letter variety either. For example:

Last night we were leaving the house to go to the "Team Jack" benefit at Arnie's downtown. Miri normally feels the need to comment on the weather every.single.time. we leave the house and last night was no different - we step out and hear ""It's MUGGY". Yes darling with 70% humidity it is very muggy! So my 2.5 year old seems to have the vocabulary of a kindergartner, can we say talker or what!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


First off I would like to thank every bobdy for the warm and wonderful birthday wishes - you guys are so sweet! This is a historic post - the very first "wireless" post to this blog. That's right our house is now wireless!!! (well not completely - but you get the point.) My wonderful and sweet hubby got me a lap top, wireless router. He has networked our computers so I can get to all my favorite things on the desk top - mainly pictures!!! Miriam enjoyed the boxes baring my gift - so for her gift to me I got a good picture of the best gift ever!

Miri actually went to bed fairly early so Ryan and I were able to have a nice adult meal - catching up on DVR'd TV shows!!! Guess I am getting old - because I can't think of a better birthday.

In other news I have decided that Ryan and I need to do a better job about communicating with each other about what we do with Miri when we are out separately with her. For example: yesterday after preschool I took M to get her some white tennis shoes, while there I couldn't resist getting her a carry along "Backyardigans" coloring book, a new bow to go with her OU cheerleader outfit (thanks Uncle Evan!!), then we had to run over to Borders and get Lucy (another September 4 baby!!) a birthday gift. Miri wanted to get Lucy a book like her favorite bear book - I thought that was incredibly sweet and of course I awarded her sweetness with a new book for herself! Ryan picked Miri up while I was at my mani/pedi appointment early that evening. He needed to run to Best Buy and get something for my new toy, well Miri was once again good, agreeable and sweet to the sales lady so Daddy awarded her with a new CD and DVD! Let's recap Miri's loot for a Friday afternoon/evening (not her birthday or anything!)
1. Shoes
2. Bow
3. coloring book/crayons
4. story book
5. CD
6. DVD

I think our kid is a little spoiled!!! When asked what are we going to do to solve this problem Ryan's response is "We will figure it out"

I do think we have done better today - no goodies for M! We went to Lucy's birthday party, Miri and Lucy had tons of fun chasing each other around and stomping bubbles that one of the older kids kept blowing for them. We got home and M crashed for a very long nap.

That has been our last few days in a nutshell - don't you all feel privileged at having a glimpse into our crazy world!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


About 2:30 this morning we were awaken by loud cries, awaken out of a very sound sleep! Miri had thrown up all over her bed, she was upset about the whole act of throwing up (who can blame her for that) but she was also very upset about messing up her big girl bed! Poor little one. This was the first time she has gotten sick since we have switched out of the crib, and since I am normally the one cleaning it up I can say with confidence cleaning up the new bed and getting it ready for her to go back to sleep is way way easier now than it use to be!

Miri was up this morning bright and early at 7:30 - I however was not moving so well. We spent the morning with my parents, bagels and coffee - yum yum! And then came home for a nap - I could have slept all afternoon, Miri only felt like she needed an hour and half.

So while I was not the one barfing at 2:30 in the morning I have felt like a slug all day, I have pretty much let M veg out in front of the TV, while lounging on me. Is it the fact my sleep was interrupted or because I am a year older..... I guess only time will tell!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How To Make Your Husband Roll His Eyes……

Ok I could probably make a VERY long list but I will spare you all…..

Last night I watched the two hour premiere of 90210 (the new Beverley Hills 90210). I didn’t love it as much as the original, but then I am no longer a 15 year old girl (thank god) I did like it though, and I have to say that I will be watching again next week – it already looks like a Brenda/Kelly love triangle might be starting (aww the good old days)!!

I don’t think this series will run as long as the first, but I did tell Ryan last night that I am hooked, at least for the next few shows, and of course he rolled his eyes!