Saturday, January 3, 2009

A New Year - BIG Changes!!

Happy New Years to everyone. 2009 has already started off with much excitement from the Wilbanks household. Why, do you ask?? Well as off about 2:00 this afternoon (barring any unforeseen inspections complications) we are in contract to buy a beautiful new (to us) house. Actually to me it is not a house but truly a home. The first time we walked into it, I turned to Ryan and said, "this is it, this one is our house". I just knew it!! It is a two story, has three bedroom 2.5 baths an additional living space (office!!!) and huge yard.

Lately we have been on a big "going green" life style change and while I am aware that a bigger house will increase our carbon foot print, I can only stay in our little 1400 square footer so long. In fact I have noticed that over the past few months we have been home less and less, even finding stuff to do just to get us out. In return we eat out more often, spend money we don't really need to spend and honestly how green is that? So yes our personal space will increase, but we now have the kind of yard where we can grow our own veggie garden (very green) and not being in the middle of all the "hussle and bussle" of Tulsa I am hoping for a much more relaxed stay at home life style that we have been striving for for awhile now.

Did I mention that our new house is in Sand Springs? Yup - these two life long mid-towners are off to an adventure in small town life in Sand Springs. I am looking forward to the change but am a little scared about not having all the grandparents less than 3 miles away from us!

I can honestly say that the first few months of this year will be CRAZY BUSY! We are looking to close on the 6th of February, there are a couple of projects I want to do at the new house before we move in:

1. get rid of the drop ceiling in the kitchen and change the cabinet pulls
2. paint Miri's room
3. get rid of the wallpaper boarder in the dinning room (not sure if that will be a total re-paint job or just a touch up job until the boarder is off)
4. new ceiling fan in our room, move old to M's room and add replacement blades

Then we are set for the movers to finish moving us in. Anyone have any recommendations on movers??

I also realize that the move and new house projects will probably be going on right around the time of M's birthday - so I am not sure what we will do about that this year. It might just be a very small (grandparent only type) party for her and then have a big house warming bash after we get settled. But that is a worry for another day. Today is a day for celebration!

After we are out of the 27th Place house we will fix the bathroom, back fence and deck, a little paint and put up a "For Rent" sign. My goal is to have the house rented no later than the first of May. So if anybody knows of anyone in the need for a rental in mid-town please send them our way!

So here's to 2009 and all the wonderful adventures ahead!!

1 comment:

Kahla said...

How exciting, congratulations!