I can't believe that it is December 26, another year has flown by almost in the blink of an eye. Christmas time is one of my favorite times of the year (once you take away all the stress of getting it ready and all!) I love the music, decorations and spirit of peace and joy.
As I am sure you can guess from the title of the post Christmas at our house was all about Miri. She had so much fun and watching her tear through her gifts was a sight to behold. Santa brought her her first doll house. And after she opened the gift from Mommy and Daddy with additional furniture in it she was set. In fact Ryan and I opened our gifts to each other while she happily played with her house, we had to beg bribe, and even "assists" her through the opening of the rest of her packages. Guess my budget would have been happier if all we got her was the doll house and furnishings!! But it is fun to watch her get so much joy and excitement from her new toy. Today while I was trying to get her down for her nap she kept asking about "my new house" I assured her she could play with it when she woke up.
Miriam went to see Santa a couple of weeks ago and for the first time didn't scream the second she was put in his lap!! She was pretty quiet but she did tell him she wanted a stroller with a baby doll. So that was her other big gift. And another big hit. At one point yesterday she was pushing it around with her new doll, all of her little Care Bears and Backyardigan stuff animals in it along with a diaper bag, books and several My Little Ponies stuffed in the basket below. I am thinking that whenever I took her out in the stroller as a baby maybe I over packed just a tiny bit!!!
We spent the morning at our house enjoying each other's company and watching our little darling play with her new found treasures. In the afternoon we headed for Ryan's brother's (Evan) house for Christmas with the Wilbanks family. Evan recently bought his first house and was an excellent host for Christmas dinner. Miri and Annabel played together and were sufficiently spoiled by their Nanny, Uncles and Aunts.
The only unfortunate part of the afternoon/evening was we couldn't stay long and soon after dinner we packed up and headed to my parents house for dessert and round #3. Another wonderful visit with my family. Cat was so excited to help Miri unwrap her gifts from Grammy, Pop-pop and J&J that she almost forgot about her own gifts from us. (almost!)
The only stress over the whole day was basically having to pack-up and do three different Christmases. Especially when all Miri wanted to do was play and Ryan and I feel like we don't get to spend enough time visiting with our families. This year Ryan and I's big gift to each other for our anniversary (9 years on the 17th!!!) and Christmas is the commitment to find and buy a new house. One that we can both agree on and that has a lot more space! We have been looking off and on for about 2 years now and we get frustrated with what is out there in our price range in mid-town (where we would like to stay), then we start looking in the suburb areas around and start the whole buy existing vs. build our own circular argument. It isn't that one of us is for one option more than the other, it is that we both see the benefits and negatives of both and just go around and around! BUT this time we have fully dedicated ourselves to the search. I am hopeful that it is short and fruitful, but I am also realistic that it might not be as short as I would like for it to be. I am hopeful that Christmas 2009 will be hosted in our house with room enough for both families to congregate together.
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