Ever feel like life has turned upside down? Right now I feel like I am in a constant state of upside down and disorganization. I don't know if it is because I am super busy at work, or just really bad a balancing, but I feel like I can't get anything done, here at home or at work and it leaves me feeling discombobulated!
We took M to visit Santa last weekend. She did much better than I thought she would. For the past two years she has screamed the second she sat on Santa's lap, but this year she didn't! Not that she shot a thousand watt grin at the camera either, it was more of a "deer in the headlights" look. I had intended on posting all of her Santa pictures to get a progressive feel, but I can't find last years anywhere. *sigh* I HATE the disorganization that has engulfed this house!!!
So I am sure some of you are wondering about Christmas cards, well those aren't happening this year either. I have lost the ones I intended to send. So then I thought why not order a photo card. But getting Miri to sit still and smile for a picture is much more trouble than it is worth. I actually found myself begging and pleading, screaming and then bribbing her to just "sit still and smile for mommy....." I should have known it just wasn't going to happen.
Oh Well, maybe next year I will be more on the ball.....
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