Happy Birthday USA!!!! I love the Fourth (and I really love the 4th when we don't have to work the next day!) . There is nothing like fireworks, cook-outs, family and friends doing nothing but having a good time. I never feel the "holiday pressure" on the Fourth like I do during Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving. The Fourth is just casual fun times.
We had a wonderful celebration this year. Like we do nearly every year we went to a backyard party at our good friends, the Bowman's house. The live very close to the river so we are able to walk down and watch the fireworks when it is time.
We made some new friends. This is Miri and Cat with Alisha. She is the g/f of one of Jeremy's buddies. She also just happends to be one of the nurses at M's cardiologists office and will be helping with our echo next week! Talk about a small world and fate. She was just awsome with M and C, you can tell she is a total kid person and I am feeling much better about this appoinment.
Miri and Cat both enjoyed dangling their feet in the fish pond. I was able to catch them both in a rare momemnt of stillness.....

Miri got to experience the joys of sparklers for the first time. She loved playing with her "fire sticks". Guess we have created a little pyro but then again who doesn't like sparklers and poppers?!?

The big finish and best part of the evening was of course the fireworks. And what a great job the City did this year!!! What a spectacular display, it was simply breathtaking.
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