Sunday, June 29, 2008


Please keep some prayers and positive thoughts for our little girl handy. In case you haven't heard M was diagnosed with a heart murmur on Friday. The Dr. *thinks* it sounds innocent, but is recommending an ultrasound just to "be sure". So how am I calmly posting about this you may wonder.....

Well Ryan had M into the dr. for an upper-respiratory infection a couple of weeks ago and the dr. heard the murmur then. But becaouse murmurs can apparently be caused by viruses and therefor resolve themselves she didn't want to say for sure until she could re-check M when she was healthy. So I have had two + weeks to digest this information and to research heart murmurs (especially those in young children to death!)

But I do worry that the ultrasound will not confirm the "inocentness" of her murmur and will show something worse. I worried before every single one of my pregnacy ultra sounds (I had about 10) that something would be wrong so I guess this is nothing new to me. However with the heart problems on both sides of our families and one of the issues doctors are always concerned about during diabetic pregnancies is heart developement I am concerned. I do think that some extra prayers will help!

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