Sorry I have been MIA lately - We have had just a tad bit of spring fever and some tiring allergies!! For some reason allergies make me tired - all I want to do is veg out or sleep and unfortunately not blog! Spring fever makes me want to be outside as much as possible and again, not update the blog!
So what have we been doing since March?? Playing outside as much as possible, luckily Miri is still at the age that even if Ryan and I are working in the yard she is getting to play......
This year we were actually blessed with a beautiful Easter after church we had an egg hunt outside (note to self when it is 80* outside do not hide eggs with chocolate in them!!!)

Since Easter we have played played and played mostly outside. Miri and I have made excellent use of the backyard - she loves her sandbox and swing set, I love the fact I can enjoy the fresh air, putter around in the flowerbed (and newly created herb garden) and enjoy a good book with minimal interruption.
Even our "indoor only" cats have gotten in the grove. We come home and they (or at least Dewey and Beasely) immediately begin to whine at the back door to go out. They stay in the yard (normally only the south end of the yard - thanks to the dogies that live in the house north to us)sniff the fresh air, smell the flowers, chase bugs, hunt bats.....
Yep hunt bats! In fact a few weeks ago Dewey decided to bring one into the house, let it go in the living room and go upstairs to take a nap with his brothers. When M and I came in we discovered the critter playing dead on the living room floor. As soon as I got near it - it miraculously came to life and started FLYING around the downstairs!! Did I freak out??? Only a little (ok - a lot!!!) I called Ryan more than a bit hysterical with a screaming M in the back ground demanding he come home and deal with it. I got Miri out of the house, kicked the cats out of the bedroom and downstairs (hoping they would do their job) and left the house! Ryan said when he got home the cats (all three) had the bat cornered and it took him less than 30 seconds to get the thing out of the house! Yay Ryan!!!
So I guess that is what is going on in our world.
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