Thirty-Nine - That is the number of years my parents have been married. I am truly blessed to have been raised by parents who love each other, I know that growing up in their household has enabled me to grow-up into the kind of person who falls in-love and stays in love and who understands that marriage is work, work with awards far greater than you can ever imagine, but sometimes work nonetheless.
In honor of their 39 years I wanted to have the girls pictures made together and one of each of them and have it framed in a trilogy frame (similar to M's 3rd year portraits). I had also wanted to surprise them with it after the fact, but I quickly realized that I was gonna need help managing the kids (they are not being cooperative lately!) and I also wanted them to have impute in what they were going to get. My dad opted out of going, so my mom and I set out on a very hot day in June to the mall. I figured even though it was 100+ degrees outside at least we could relax in the cooling atmosphere of the mall - WRONG. The a/c was out on that particular end of the mall where the Picture People are located and although it wasn't as blistering as it was outside it was pretty uncomfortable!
I was already beginning to regret my decision when all of the sudden I hear "look mommy its me!" I turn around where M is standing and sure enough there she is 4 huge portraits hanging up in the studio!!! I was in shock - my beautiful baby looked even more adorable. The pictures were some of her 3 year portraits with the special colorization technique done. Now I know they were mainly chosen for the artistic qualities in them but my 3 year old princess was super impressed and had to announce to everyone that came in that that was her on the wall. Unfortunately every time M said this Cat's brown eyes got just a little greener, 9 year olds don't really understand artistic value either! Did I mention we are having issues between the two of them? This did not help matters. It did however help get M to be much more cooperative than usual during the photo-shoot. We luckily got our favorite photographer and every time M started being a pill she would say something about good girls getting their pictures on the wall and bad little girls who don't follow directions get their pictures taken down! Needless to say Miri did great! Cat did great too and the photographer was able to get some really good shots of both of them and individually.

Ryan and I went back later that evening to pick up the pictures and my mom practically cried when she saw the finished product the next day. My Dad was really impressed and immediately hung the trilogy frame up and has plans on hanging the individual pictures up side-by-side as soon as I find him some frames.
I know my parents loved the picture, I just hope they know how much we (the family) love them and what a wonderful influence they have had over my life and others around us.
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