Saturday, March 28, 2009

Scratch That Last Post

We were doing so so good with the potty - until about an hour ago when M decided to poop the mother of all poops in her panties. This is like one step forward and two steps back - so very very frustrating, I can't even put it into words. And to make matters worse she laughed about it then flat out told Ryan that no she didn't poop in her pants - not once or twice but three different times. So we made her practice pottying, after she "enjoyed" a few minutes to think about it alone (a/k/a timeout) then we took away her newly acquired "my little pony baby nursery" (which was given as a reward for doing so well on the potty). Harsh? Yes very and believe me "mommy guilt" is setting in in full force, but come on she is 3! She needs to be potty trained and frankly I am quite sick of cleaning s&%* off her bottom. She is currently napping - maybe the accident happened because she was tired? I don't know. If it quits thundering we will go play in the snow after her nap. I will give her another pep talk and put her back in panties and hope for no more accidents.

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