So after much debating and changing of the forecast we actually got to see some snow on Saturday. Nearly 7 inches worth!!! When Miri and I got up about 8:30 it was still raining no snow in site and truthfully I was not very happy with it. I was really hoping to wake up to a winter wonderland that morning. But like they always say if you don't like the weather here in Oklahoma give it a minute or two and it will change.
This was the scene by about 9:30 Saturday morning....
And this was a couple of hours later....
Late spring snow is generally some of the best snow we get around here not much ice or sleet in it making it perfect for snow balls and building snowmen. After it finally quit thundering (yes thundering!) we made our way out for some winter fun. This was also the first deep fluffy snow Miriam has had the change to experience and even though she was a little sad it didn't make good snow angels she had a blast!
Miriam catching snowflakes on her tongue
Snowball fight time!
Building a snowman. She named him frosty and was very disapointed the next morning when he started to melt.
Fun with Mommy and Daddy in the snow

By the same time Sunday afternoon nearly all of the snow had melted. I guess winter got its last hoorah in now time for spring!!!