Sunday, September 21, 2008

I weep for the future......

Last night Ryan and I decided to be a little spontaneous and go to the TU game. We hadn't been to a game in a few years and wanted to see the new stadium that we have watched slowing being built over the past year. Plus it was a bye week for OU so what better way to spend a Saturday night than by watching a football game. The game itself was fun - it was awesome to see that TU sold out a game and they are looking like a pretty good team this year. The crowd at a TU game is very different than an OU game - much more subdue even when their team is ahead 40 something to zip! So that was all good... now for the not so good....

The seats we paid for were actually taken by the time we got to them (only 3 gates open so lots of line waiting!) It was not worth making a stink about so we decided to go sit on the grassy bank on the south end of the stadium. This was a good place to sit for all of 15 minutes - when a group of loud kids came to sit in front of us and not SIT and chatting and giggled. I whispered to Ryan if he thought they were in high school or TU students or what "probably TU students..." was the response! WHAT!!! No way - they were soooo young and weren't we just in college ourselves (ok so 10 years ago isn't that much time!) Needless to say I started feeling a little old. Then I got attacked by a swarm of bugs - YUCK I really hate hate hate bugs. I looked longingly over at the seats on in the south end zone - the ones up against the short fence dividing them from the grassy hill we were on were empty. I can get over that fence no problem, or so I thought. So I got up and walked over there - hopped the fence (gracefully - not!) and claimed a seat. The seats were decent enough, and no bugs or noisy teens. Until I started to feel my two glasses of tea from dinner and the bottle of water I had consumed during the first half. OOPS - the closest set of stairs was about 38 seats to the east of me, with many people in those seats too. I could hop the fence again and slide down the hill, but on a full bladder I figured getting to the stairs would be the smarter way to go. I went up a row because it looked less populated and made my way over - who should I run into but the "kids" from the hill. Not a single one of them got up so I could get through - I stumbled through the throng, trying hard not to step on any toes or fall into any laps, not to mention trying not to twist my own ankle or knee in the process! I called Ryan after I got down and finished my business to meet me at the gate - it was time to go!!!

So for my own sanity I have decided that those were middle school kids - because at least it is hoped that they will have several more years of learning some common decency before venturing out into the world - otherwise god help us all!

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