First off I would like to thank every bobdy for the warm and wonderful birthday wishes - you guys are so sweet! This is a historic post - the very first "wireless" post to this blog. That's right our house is now wireless!!! (well not completely - but you get the point.) My wonderful and sweet hubby got me a lap top, wireless router. He has networked our computers so I can get to all my favorite things on the desk top - mainly pictures!!! Miriam enjoyed the boxes baring my gift - so for her gift to me I got a good picture of the
best gift ever!

Miri actually went to bed fairly early so Ryan and I were able to have a nice adult meal - catching up on DVR'd TV shows!!! Guess I am getting old - because I can't think of a better birthday.
In other news I have decided that Ryan and I need to do a better job about communicating with each other about what we do with Miri when we are out separately with her. For example: yesterday after preschool I took M to get her some white tennis shoes, while there I couldn't resist getting her a carry along "Backyardigans" coloring book, a new bow to go with her OU cheerleader outfit (thanks Uncle Evan!!), then we had to run over to Borders and get Lucy (another September 4 baby!!) a birthday gift. Miri wanted to get Lucy a book like her favorite bear book - I thought that was incredibly sweet and of course I awarded her sweetness with a new book for herself! Ryan picked Miri up while I was at my mani/pedi appointment early that evening. He needed to run to Best Buy and get something for my new toy, well Miri was once again good, agreeable and sweet to the sales lady so Daddy awarded her with a new CD and DVD! Let's recap Miri's loot for a Friday afternoon/evening (not her birthday or anything!)
1. Shoes
2. Bow
3. coloring book/crayons
4. story book
5. CD
6. DVD
I think our kid is a little spoiled!!! When asked what are we going to do to solve this problem Ryan's response is "We will figure it out"
I do think we have done better today - no goodies for M! We went to Lucy's birthday party, Miri and Lucy had tons of fun chasing each other around and stomping bubbles that one of the older kids kept blowing for them. We got home and M crashed for a very long nap.
That has been our last few days in a nutshell - don't you all feel privileged at having a glimpse into our crazy world!