Monday, August 11, 2008

Presidental Election

Ok I am the first to admit that I am not a big political talker. I think everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion but recognize that it is only an opinion and not try to force feed it on anyone else or belittle others and their opinions. So we are gearing up into the political commercial season, like there isn't enough trash on TV already. I feel that in order to be truly informed you should go read each platform of the canidates and not rely on whose commericals pull the most heart strings - of course this is only my OPINION.

Another thing I am not a big fan of is super celebs, in particular a vacant blonde who has made it clear that she is a princess and as far as she is concerned the world revolves around her........

So what happens when two things I don't really like collide?? You get this:


And then you laugh your A$$ off!!! This is the funniest video I have seen in awhile and I would love to see it played on national TV, during both conventions.

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