Thursday, August 28, 2008

Too cute for words!

Ok I admit I am shamelessly biased when it comes to Miriam - but you have to admit these two video's are cute cute and more cute!!!

Click here for two Miri videos

I was playing around with my cell phone, right before bedtime so the quality is not that great. But I have made an executive decision - we will be getting a video camera before our trip to Kansas City to see the Backyardigans Live at the end of September.

In other Miri news - the other day she stuck her fingers in her ears and informed her Daddy "I not hearing you" while he was having a discussion on her misbehavior at dinner.

And today she has pee pee'd in the potty twice today!!! As well as dumped about 1/2 a roll of tp down the sewer line (good thing we have a brand new one!)

Awwww the joys of a toddler.........

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Best Phrase

Today when I went to pick M up at Pre-School she was playing on the playground, when I was about half way to the gate she saw me and ran the fence line - "That's my Mommy!" "Mommy" "My Mommy" "That is My Mommy!!!!!" I will never tire of hearing that phrase over and over again. The shear joy, excitement and pride in her voice made my heart melt. I know the day will come all too soon when seeing me will not bring such an enthusiastic greeting, but for now I have today and my sweet little girl who wants nothing more than her Mommy!!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Today was Miri's first day of Pre-School. I think I am still in a bit of shock that my baby is going to preschool! She was so excited this morning. Once we got there she basically just left Ryan and I standing by the door and went to go play, when I picked her up she cried as we walked by the playground on our way to the car b/c she wanted to play some more. Needless to say I think she had a wonderful time today! Her teachers both raved about her when I went to pick her up, they said she was talkative, helpful and played well with the other kids. The only thing she didn't do well was rest time, she was lying next to another little girl during rest time, apparently they spent the time talking and conspiring about what they needed to do in order to get to go outside again! Can't say I am very surprised that I have a talker. We chose the University Methodist Pre-School for her - click here She will go on MWF from 9-2. When we got home she ate a snack (the rest of her lunch!) and promptly passed out she was soooo tired. All and all I am so glad today went well and that she liked school - I hope this trend continues for the next 21 years or so!


This weekend Miri put her building talents to work and built this......

all by herself!!!
Do you think she will pose for the cover of Architectural Record with the bobo in her mouth?? Lets hope not.

Friday, August 15, 2008


This week has been particularly tiring – Miri has been sick with a bronchial infection and her Dr. has her on oral steroids and nebulizer treatments - i.e. this child is HYPER! She bounces around like a little monkey, constantly gets into everything, and is a chatter box – if you don’t acknowledge her right away she will repeat herself over and over and over again until you do. Naps have been few and far between and bedtime seems to get later and later. Throw that in with the fact that Ryan and I can’t seem to turn off the TV until well past midnight and you have 3 very tired and cranky people in the mornings! After another night of being up past midnight Ryan and I have to accept the fact that we are junkies – Olympic Junkies that is. I LOVE the Olympics – both summer and winter, once I start watching them I can not turn them off – even for sports I normally wouldn’t watch and for sports I do enjoy watching (swimming and gymnastics) I sit glued in front of the TV, I analyze at commercials in other words nothing gets done. Laundry is piled up, the house is messy and getting up to go into work in the mornings has gotten harder and harder as the late late nights add up. But in my mind it is totally worth it – after all we only get to watch the Summer Olympics every four years!

I have been a little disappointed with the IOC – I can’t believe that they let the Chinese Government that also over sees it’s sports be in charge of issuing those passports for the LITTLE GIRL gymnasts. I bet the conversation went something like this:

Head Gymnastic’s Person: We have some very talented girls that could win gold at the Olympics, but they aren’t allowed to compete b/c they are two young. I guess we will not be able to guarantee a gold for the People this time around.

Government: Nonsense – we are the BEST and our country is hosting those girls are women, not too young at all, see I issue passport saying that they will be 16 in 2008. Now win us a gold or face life in prison…..

Head Gymnastic’s Person: Of course we will win gold! And in 2012 we will win again – our gymnasts can stay 16 for 4 years – no problem. All the westerns think we all look the same anyway no one will ever know the difference…….

Ok – so maybe I took a little liberty with that conversation but you get the point. Team USA might have only won a Silver in the team competition, but last night our girls showed the world that they truly are the champions and the BEST – going Gold and Silver in the All Around is such an accomplishment not only for Lukin and Johnson but for the United States Gymnastics program as well. WELL DONE!

The only other complaint I have about the IOC (to date) has to do with beach volleyball. Compared to what the women wear making the men wear shirts is a crime! I think the competition would be better enjoyed (by women throughout the world) if the men were shirtless. Maybe I need to petition the IOC about that…..

Monday, August 11, 2008

Presidental Election

Ok I am the first to admit that I am not a big political talker. I think everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion but recognize that it is only an opinion and not try to force feed it on anyone else or belittle others and their opinions. So we are gearing up into the political commercial season, like there isn't enough trash on TV already. I feel that in order to be truly informed you should go read each platform of the canidates and not rely on whose commericals pull the most heart strings - of course this is only my OPINION.

Another thing I am not a big fan of is super celebs, in particular a vacant blonde who has made it clear that she is a princess and as far as she is concerned the world revolves around her........

So what happens when two things I don't really like collide?? You get this:


And then you laugh your A$$ off!!! This is the funniest video I have seen in awhile and I would love to see it played on national TV, during both conventions.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Big Girl Bed

Last week marked a major milestone in our little Miriam's life - she said bye bye to her crib and HELLO to her big girl bed! It did not phase her one bit to switch - in fact more than a week later she still says "lets go see my new bed" every time we come home! I was a little sad to see the crib go, part of it was because we may never have the need for a crib again and the other part was fear of the unknown - would she hate sleeping in the bed, feel scared or just really enjoy her freedom to the point of not sleeping too much? I am happy to report that she is not scared of her new bed, and although she does get up more easily we are working (and making progress) on staying in bed once the lights are out, nighttime is there, but naps still aren't. One problem we have encountered that I wasn't prepared for are mornings, particularly weekend mornings! Sunday she was in our room before 7am - I put her back to bed with some books and told her she needed to stay in bed for at least an hour more. Luckily she went back to sleep until closer to 10:00 - which is what we have been use too. In addition to the bed we also purchased a dresser - I say this was more a present for Mommy because I love the amount of storage I now have for her clothes, and a night stand. We went with the "Build a Bear" collection made by Pulaski in the pastels, it is well made and will be grow with her as she grows. Here is the link to the furniture:


We went with the white and pastel collection. Right now her dresser drawers are pink, green and purple. But when she is older I can make them all white with an easy switch of a panel. I love the versitiliy of it and of course the cuteness factor! Since the new furniture has been installed I can't get over how much her room looks like a little girls room and less like a nursery! Here is M after waking up from her VERY FIRST official nap in her new bed! If you will notice the cats that seem to think we got it just for them......

A New Fav.......

Miri has made two new friends recently - and as of this moment they are her favorites! In my search to find the perfect bedding for her new bed, I discovered this little company out of Atlanta Georgia (I have listed the link under favorite sites) I was totally smitten by their products that I ordered two little animals for M and I informed Ryan that from now on the only stuffed animals or creatures she will receive are from BlaBla and it is my goal to get her the whole collection (eventually!). Of course Ryan called me crazy until he saw them, now he thinks they are pretty cool too. I don't just think the dolls are cute, the hats are adorable and based on the softness of the dolls I will go on a limb here and say very comfy. I do plan on having one of these around for when it turns cooler around here! Here is Miss M with her BlaBla's - please excuse the pout - she was sooooo done with being cooperative!