Sunday, June 29, 2008
Well Ryan had M into the dr. for an upper-respiratory infection a couple of weeks ago and the dr. heard the murmur then. But becaouse murmurs can apparently be caused by viruses and therefor resolve themselves she didn't want to say for sure until she could re-check M when she was healthy. So I have had two + weeks to digest this information and to research heart murmurs (especially those in young children to death!)
But I do worry that the ultrasound will not confirm the "inocentness" of her murmur and will show something worse. I worried before every single one of my pregnacy ultra sounds (I had about 10) that something would be wrong so I guess this is nothing new to me. However with the heart problems on both sides of our families and one of the issues doctors are always concerned about during diabetic pregnancies is heart developement I am concerned. I do think that some extra prayers will help!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Father's Day

We had a quiet laid back Father’s Day this year. Brunch with my parents, then Ryan (bless his heart) had to go work, we finished with a late afternoon swim and cooked out burgers at my parents house. In true M fashion even though it was the day to celebrate all things dad she only wanted Mommy. I know R felt bad about this, but she does love her Daddy. During our swim at Grammy and Pop-pops she got some quality time in with Daddy, it was so much fun watching her swim with him. I enjoy watching her interact with all the men in her life, she is a complete flirt and even though she has her “mommy only moments” she does enjoy her Daddy time. She sometimes protest her channel being changed but she will sit and watch any sport with her Daddy, she can even name the sports correctly! She loves to cuddle in his arms after a long day and bath time with Daddy is the most fun ever!
I couldn’t ask for a better partner on this adventure into parenthood than my wonderful Ryan. He works hard to provide a great life for our family. He can come home from a stressful day at work and within minutes completely forget all about it and focus on nothing but a belly-blowing tickle fest or a tea-party or castle-building (destroying) endeavor or a book reading session in the rocking chair. Her Daddy is wrapped around those sweet little fingers.
We love you Ry!
Bobo Goes Back to Bed
This morning M was not too happy about being woken up, so I took her into our room (with her bobo, blankie and kitty) to hang out while we finished getting ready. Ry got dressed first, so he got the prize of dressing M, afterwards she lounged on our bed until I told her it was time to go and that she was going to go play at C's house with the kids, Miri climbed off our bed with her blankie and kitty, she got about 1/2 way to the front door and looked back at me and said "OH NO!!! I have bobo and bobo go back to bed!" she then ran and put bobo in her crib and said "OK Mommy I ready!"
It was so funny – I guess we are getting through to her that bobo is for bed only!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Time sure flies.....

When you get super busy!!! We went on vacation almost two weeks ago and I have yet to have posted about our adventure! Shame on me. But in my/our defense life got pretty crazy when we returned. Ryan got unexpectedly slammed at work, my employers returned from their own two-week vacation ready to work, we found that kitten (and a home for it!!!) and M got sick. Fun times all the way around. So here is a quick recap of our vaca.....
We took a short trip to Turner Falls in the Arbuckle Mountains. We had a wonderful time, over three days we enjoyed two different animal parks, and lots of splashing in a creek and looking at some beautiful scenery. That part of Oklahoma is just beautiful, and the water in Honey Creek is perfectly clear, most of the time not to deep and it wasn't very cold. Perfect for an adventure with a toddler. For anyone who would like to see our pictures click here. Not going for a full week was also a great idea, we were gone three days (two nights) Miri was not totally over tired or over stimulated when we returned, we also had a couple of days at home of true down time before returning to work, so R and I didn't feel like we needed a vacation from our vacation. We will go back, probably in a few years, we would like to go and camp a couple of nights, but I want M to be a bit older before we attempt that.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Look what I Found

Miriam and I went for a short walk today after the sun broke through the clouds, just a simple jaunt around the block - no big deal right? NOT! I was about half way around the edge of the park when I heard it, a very faint but persistent mew. Thats right I found a kitten. A very cute very scared little kitten. Miriam was beyond ecstatic that we have found a KITTY!!!! Which needed fed the second we got home with it (read: Miri over filled all the food bowls with about half a bag of food while Mommy was occupied trying to find a safe place to set the kitty down without it running and hiding somewhere, getting hit by a car or terrorized by our cats). Toddlers are such fun.
Ryan and I are putting out found posters tomorrow, and if we don't hear anything in the next few days we will start trying to find a new home for the sweet little thing. If any of you want it let me know because the very last thing we need is another cat around here.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Storms Picnic and Barbies......
Yup strange title I know!!! But that pretty much sums up our weekend. Storms on both Saturday and Sunday mornings (that had the audacity to interfere with our plans!!!!!) and Barbies......
Saturday: Ry's company picnic was Saturday. A storm blew through right after everything got started. Ryan was there early to set up so he got to hang out and watch it move through. I had a very slow moving cranky baby and was running late. I got to drive through it, get hailed on and was pretty scared my car was going to get blown over! After the rain stopped the sun popped out and it got HOT! The jupiter jumps and pony rides were re-commenced. The only problem was the jupiter jumps were wet and slick inside - M kept slipping and did not like that one bit and the area where the pony rides were was a lubwolly - Ryan walked around with her for one ride and nearly sank to his knees. Luckily M found something to do that was very entertaining!!! With puddles puddles everywhere - whats a kid to do....... GET WET GET DIRTY HAVE FUN!
Miriam spent about two hours just playing in the puddles and the wet sand (sand volly-ball pit) she had a blast. All I can say is good thing she is washable. While she was playing in the sand she started crying, I went over to find out what was wrong.... "Mommy my shoes is dwirty" Awww my very own Carrie Bradshaw in the making.
Sunday: We were up and getting ready for church when we were once again faced with yet another storm! And this one was a doozy. We listened to it wail for about 45 minutes. And find ourselves very fortunate, we still have our house, our trees (minus a few small limbs) and our POWER! We left for church after the storm passed, missing yesterday was not an option for us, the minister that married Ryan and I and baptized Miri retired yesterday and we wanted to wish him well. We made it to church about 25 minutes late, only to find no power at the church and services delayed for a little while. We did have services, but in fellowship hall where we could open the windows and catch a breeze. The service was nice, a little (lot) more casual than if it had been up stairs, but all that really matters is the fellowship and worship shared. Afterwards we went to say hi to Nanny on the way home. Nanny apparently had a very busy weekend too. She aquired an old (early 1960s) Barbie collection over the weekend. Miri walked in and saw the collection spread over the table - "Dollys!!!! My toysssss, mine dolls!!!" She loved playing with them. Looking at all the outfits and tiny shoes.
Puddles one day Barbies the next - What else can I say we have a well rounded little girl!!!!