This was my third Mothers Day to celebrate as a mom.
I have to say I have been as thankful for being a Mom on this Day as I was on Mothers Day three years ago (and every day since February 21, 2006).
At church part of the prayer acknowledged all mothers, the good ones, the absent ones, and the ones who are mothers in their hearts only. Mother’s Day (and Father’s Day) can be very difficult times for people who have not been blessed with children of their own. So many times these people are over looked. Sometimes it is just assumed once you reach a certain age you are a parent. This can be just as painful as well. Wondering if you are ever going to be able to have a child and be a Mother one day really really makes you appreciate all these special days and times.
Taking them for granted is something that I just won't do.
This year my mother gave me a gift for Mother's Day, she gave me a small sculpture of a mama sea otter and her baby. I have always loved sea otters and the sculpture is very beautiful. But what makes this gift even more special is that it is the same sculpture I gave my Mom years ago for Mother's Day. She said that every time she looked at it it reminded her of me and Miriam so she gave it back to me. What an incredibly sweet gift. I hope that many many many years from now I will be able to pass this to Miri once she becomes a Mom (many many many many years from now - did I say that already?) Here are pictures from the past three Mother's Days. I can't believe how much Miri has grown. She is turning into such a very special little girl, who makes my heart melt
1st Mother's Day and the day Miriam was baptized - 2006

Our second Mother's Day - 2007

This Year - 2008

This last picture was something Ryan made me right after Mothers Day 2006. This is one of my favorite pictures.
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