Sunday, February 21, 2010

4th Birthday Bash!

Miriam's 4th Birthday party was soooo much fun!! The day started with a phone call from Sleeping Beauty wishing Miriam a happy birthday and telling her she couldn't wait to come to her party! After that Miri asked every few minuets when her friends and Sleeping Beauty would get to her party.

When Sleeping Beauty arrived Miri had a small melt down because the dress she got this morning as a present was blue not pink like Sleeping Beauty. But there is nothing like a "real life" princess to calm down a few tears and get the party started. We had, counting Miri, seven little princesses running through the house, getting their faces painted and prancing around in royal fashion in their princess dresses! I think the girls all had a blast, I know Miri did. Thank you so much Audrey S., Lucy, Claire, Edee, Edith, Audrey C and Catherine for helping make Miriam's birthday special.

I also want to send special thank yous out to my Mom, Sandy and to Marcia - Thank you both for helping out today!!!

(A lesson on curtsying from Sleeping Beauty)

(Princesses eating cake)

(The Birthday Girl with her favorite Princess)

Saturday, February 20, 2010


(Miri on her way home from the hospital)

Tonight I tucked a very sleepy 3 year old into bed. Tomorrow morning when we wake up I will no longer have a 3 year old but a 4 year old. WOW! I am trying not to sound to cliche or sappy - wait who am I kidding this is MY blog and I will be as sappy and clichey as I want!!!

When Miri was first born everyone kept saying "enjoy it, it goes by so fast". As I new mom I heard the words, smiled and nodded, but I don't think I really "got it". Tonight I can say "I get it", at least as much as a mom of only 4 years can. See, I have this theory that as the kiddo gets older the years go by quicker.

After Miri's bedtime stories tonight, we brought out her baby book, looked at the pictures of her in my tummy, the pictures from the day she was born and all throughout her first year. We talk about her name and what it means (much hoped for child) and how much Mommy and Daddy loved her and how happy we are that she is our little girl. We talked about all the things she learned to do that first year, and how much she grew. I couldn't help but wonder when did she go from our baby to our little girl. From the helpless little being who depended on us for everything to the little kid in the car tonight who entertained us with stories of how to make "lava hot bubble hair" (apparently you have to get melty hot lava and pour it on your hair to get bubble hair!!!)

(Miri a couple of weeks shy of her 4th birthday)

I know I have said this before, but Miri is our miracle baby and I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful, smart and healthy sweet baby. I know that five years ago I couldn't/wouldn't allow myself to dream about these moments. Struggling through our infertility problems, it was so easy to loose yourself in despair and jealousy.I could never let my heart believe that this would be possible in an attempt to protect myself from anymore heartaches. But now I let my heart sing with joy at the blessing in my life and relish in my role of Mommy. And yes, I sometimes do feel like I blink and life is speeding along with us, but what a wonderful ride it all is!

(Miri singing her birthday song)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


In the past few weeks I have noticed a considerable usage of the word 'actually' from Miri. Today I think I heard the word about 100 times in an hour ~ so I guess it is safe to say this might actually be a new favorite word.

"Actually Mommy I wanted this one..."
"Actually this is how it goes....."
"I think this is my new dress, actually this one is...."

You get the point. Actually, the point is I want to bang my head on a brick wall......

Right now we are on birthday countdown (I swear this is bigger than Christmas, actually it IS bigger than Christmas....)

Every morning for the past few days I hear: "is it my birthday yet". She is very excited about her party! I am very happy that I still haven't told her Sleeping Beauty (her most favorite princess ever b/c she wears pink) will be at her party, I can not imagine the excitement/pestering that would ensue if she knew! Actually, I can!

As excited as I am about her upcoming birthday I am in just a bit of denial that my baby is turning 4! Where has the time gone, it literally still feels like we just brought her home from the hospital. Now I will be the first to admit that I don't miss waking up every few hours for feedings and I don't miss changing dirty diapers or having tons of baby toys everywhere, I am a little sad that she isn't a "baby" anymore. She is becoming more and more independent each day, and I love the little girl she is becoming, actually!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

It is ALMOST here!

Not sure what our household is more excited about at the moment: Miri's 4th birthday or our upcoming cruise!! I guess the real question is how much fun can you squeeze into a 10 day period??

We have been running around like crazy people the past week, and I am already foreseeing next week to be even more busy!! I am sure I will question my sanity in hosting a birthday party at our house just days before leaving on the cruise.

But today we celebrated all the love in our lives, starting with a brunch of heart shaped pancakes!! This afternoon M and I made cutout cookies and decorated them (she was in charge of the sprinkles!) We also worked on decorations for her birthday party next weekend. While I do agree that Valentines Day is pretty much a "hallmark" holiday - it is still fun to have a day of hearts and love. I have the two most special valentines a girl could ever need - a wonderful hubby who will always be my first valentine and our sweet little girl who has made the past four valentines day more and more special then the one before.