Miriam's 4th Birthday party was soooo much fun!! The day started with a phone call from Sleeping Beauty wishing Miriam a happy birthday and telling her she couldn't wait to come to her party! After that Miri asked every few minuets when her friends and Sleeping Beauty would get to her party.
When Sleeping Beauty arrived Miri had a small melt down because the dress she got this morning as a present was blue not pink like Sleeping Beauty. But there is nothing like a "real life" princess to calm down a few tears and get the party started. We had, counting Miri, seven little princesses running through the house, getting their faces painted and prancing around in royal fashion in their princess dresses! I think the girls all had a blast, I know Miri did. Thank you so much Audrey S., Lucy, Claire, Edee, Edith, Audrey C and Catherine for helping make Miriam's birthday special.
I also want to send special thank yous out to my Mom, Sandy and to Marcia - Thank you both for helping out today!!!
(A lesson on curtsying from Sleeping Beauty)
(Princesses eating cake)
(The Birthday Girl with her favorite Princess)