Wow - Thanksgiving seemed to sneak up on us this year and just fly by quickly! We hosted for the first time. Ryan took off work Wednesday and smoked turkey and ham, mom and I divided up the sides and spent much of Thursday morning hanging out with each other and cooking. My parents, niece, brother and sister in law joined us for dinner and Ryan's mom and brother came over later for dessert. I was pleasantly surprised at how undramatic the day was, VERY NICE! We have so much to be thankful for, our beautiful home, our families, our health, our work and of course our miracle Miriam Grace.
On Friday we were able to get a start on getting our lights up outside. The excitement of the holiday season is really starting to build - I hope nobody burst from it before the big day actually gets here! Saturday Ryan headed down to Norman to enjoy bedlam. Sunday was spent at home recovering from our holiday weekend and getting ready for the week ahead!
December is quickly approaching and what a month it will be, Ryan and I will be celebrating our 10th anniversary and of course we will have all the Christmas festivities to attend to ~ perhaps it is myself I should be concerned about bursting from excitement!