Last night I took my niece to her first concert – Miley Cyrus and I survived!!! I did not go deaf like I feared might happen. All and all it was a descent show, not sure with was worth the $80 some odd dollar ticket (x2) but Cat had fun and the is the most important part!
I did make a few observations:
1. Miley seems to be trying to channel Britney – not sure that is a good thing.
2. The *best* part of the show was when Miley was doing a costume change and her band played the lead into Thriller ~ I literally jumped out of my seat and started dancing, I naively thought she was going to do Thriller, as did all the other parents sitting around me! But as soon as it started it was over, she had changed clothes and was doing her own music.
3. Tween girls like to scream (ok so we already knew this one) but my theory is if you can’t beat them (my ear plugs sucked) join em! I am rather horse this morning.
4. I was really surprised at the amount of families that were there. By families I mean both parents and all the kids. And not just families with only tween girls, but ones where the boys went too as well as younger siblings (like preschool age!). I was also surprised at the amount of Mom’s I saw with their 4-5 year olds, and no other kiddos. I love M and would take her to practically anything she wanted to go to – but a concert like this one at age 5?? No way!
5. Concerts are way more fun when you know the songs – I feel the need to go see a “grown up” show soon!
I didn’t tell Miri until I was getting ready to go pick up Cat that I was going to a concert. Miriam was *not* pleased that Cat and I went without her and no amount of explaining really helped the situation. Miri did get the pleasure of having dinner with Grammy and Grandpa and Daddy – can we say undivided attention? I was told a dinner conversation went like this:
M: “Where is Mommy and Catherine”
R: “At the Hanna Montana concert.”
M: “I want to go too”
R: “Sorry, but you are not old enough yet, and besides it will be really really loud.” (M is not a fan of loud noises/places)
M: “That’s ok, I can be really quiet!”
I love that kid!!!