A funny Miriam Grace story:
We spent yesterday afternoon swimming at my parents house. Miri is turning into quite the little fish. She spent over 2.5 hours in the water or jumping into the water (her new favorite activity). My dad got her to finally go fully under and blow bubbles and she is showing signs of really wanting to swim on her own. Now if we can just get her buoyant and not to sink like a rock we will be golden!
So Dad and I were playing “pass the baby”, he was “throwing her in the water to me” she was a little resistant at first, but soon couldn’t quit laughing and squealing at the fun she was having, Until… Ryan swam up and Dad was going to pass her over to him. Miri screamed at Grampa – “No Grampa - I AM NOT A TOY!” Needless to say we couldn’t stop laughing. That has seriously got to be the funniest thing she has said in quite a long time.
So there you have it folks – Miriam is not a toy. Just in case you were wondering.