So if you haven't guessed from the title of this post we went to Sesame Street Live today! Miriam had an absolute ball. Her eyes lit up when she saw the characters come onto stage, she clapped, she danced and even sang "Melmo Song" (Elmo's World song) All and all we had a wonderful experience. Our good friends the Gentrys went with us. Their little girl is a few months older than M. M & L have become great friends and constantly talk about each other - very very cute!.
(Here they are enthralled in the show)
I was a little concerned about going. M has not really ever warmed up to any "live" mascots or characters we have seen in public. But today no freak outs at all - in fact she even got to shake Tellie Monster's hand when he came up into the stands.
I had a slight moment though! At the beginning of the show I started looking around and got *very* teary eyed. I couldn't believe that I was actually taking *my* kid to see a show like that. I think I will call this an IF moment. Even after two years of Mommyhood I still have moments of awe - I have a baby (toddler!) and I am actually a MOMMY and how a very short time ago I wondered if that would ever happen. I am sure Ryan thought I was being an emotional nut job. But I am equally sure that my friend S (L's mom) totally gets it!
So all and all a wonderful experience - now if only the Backyardigans would grace us with a show in this area and I think M's world would be complete!!!!
This is one of my favorite pictures of M from the show I love her expression - totally joy!